'Red Dead Redemption 2' To Sell 12 Million Copies On Release, With More On PC Version, Says Analyst; Nintendo Switch Still Unlikely

By J Rose
Nov 16, 2016 06:40 AM EST

Rockstar Games' highly anticipated sequel "Red Dead Redemption 2" is predicted to sell 12 million copies at launch, according to an analyst.

Macquarie Securities analyst Ben Schachter said that "Red Dead Redemption 2" will most likely sell 12 million copies by Take-Two's second fiscal quarter next year, according to Games Industry. This figure will grow bigger once the PC version is released, which is predicted to drop in early 2018.

The first title, "Red Dead Redemption," was unavailable on PC, and was only launched on Playstation 3 and Xbox One.

Scachter's prediction, however, only corroborates speculations of some fans who have accused Rockstar of releasing the PC version after the console releases to increase sales, citing "Grand Theft Auto V" as an example.

"Rockstar made one billion dollars in the first 3 days of release for GTA V back in 2013 for the last-gen consoles,"one Redditor commented. "Porting and revamping the game for PS4, XBONE, and PC only heightened their profits because many people bought it twice, maybe even thrice. So why not continue that trend?"

"This is 100% the reason why. They're double-dipping into customer pockets," another Reddit user said. "PC release will probably be about a year later, and won't be announced until 6 months after console release. They'll then hide it under the guise of 'optimizations and features' but in reality it's simply to make more money."

As for a Nintendo Switch port, there is a huge chance that Rockstar Games may not bring its highly anticipated title "Red Dead Redemption 2" to the new console, said another analyst.

In an interview with Gamingbolt, Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter believes that the chances of "Red Dead Redemption 2" coming to the Nintendo Switch are "exceedingly poor."

"I can't remember any game other than - there was a GTA made for the DS, which came out in 2009 - I'd be really surprised if they wasted their effort to port anything for Nintendo," Pachter said.

"I just think that Nintendo has wandered too far away from the mainstream for most of the publishers," the analyst continued, "so you're just not getting mainstream games produced for Nintendo consoles- not ones made for other consoles, at any rate."

Stay tuned for more "Red Dead Redemption 2" updates.

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