Top 3 Cheap Alternatives for Apple iPhone Models; Features, Specs and Price Details

Dec 23, 2016 12:19 PM EST

It is undeniable that the upcoming iPhone 8 and the newly released iPhone 7 is on top of one's mind when thinking about a worthy smartphone to buy. For those who are looking for cheap alternatives for the Apple offerings, there are a lot in the market.

Looking for the perfect handset that can equal or have similar specs as the iPhone is a difficult task. So here we have gathered some of the best alternatives for an iPhone 7 or the iPhone 8 which is set to be released next year

Oppo R9 Plus

This offering from Oppo is said to be a gadget that can almost equal the features of an iPhone. This $579-worth smartphone sports a 6-inch screen with a 1920x1080 pixel resolution. Its screen size gives users the chance to maximize their use of the phone whether for simple tasks or watching videos.

Aside from these features, the Oppo R9 Plus also comes with a powerful 4120mah battery which promises to keep the device on for an entire day. The phone also has a fast charging technology which can load up 75 percent of power in jus 30 minutes of charging time.

Moto Z Force

Another possible alternative for the iPhone is the Moto Z Force. The phone now runs on Android 7 Nougat and is a reliable device in terms of battery life and even taking photos. It has a solid look and makeup as well as packed with features needed by the users.

Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE

If you are looking for one of the best smartphone cameras, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge may be what you are looking for. This is also combined with a great battery and an awesome display perfect for those using a phone both for pleasure and work. Which do you think is the best alternative for the iPhone 7 or the upcoming iPhone 8?

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