5G Network Update: Carrier Getting Ready To Start Its Network Upgrade; How Fast Is It?

Dec 23, 2016 07:26 PM EST

If 4G's fast enough, wait til you try 5G network connection. Luckily it won't take long to know the answer as Verizon already tested the speed of the next-gen's wireless network.

Verizon, the world's largest wireless carrier is set to take a field trial of the assumed fastest wireless connection, the 5G network. The test will take place in the next 12 months according to its chief information and technology architect, Roger Gurnani. The time frame for this is around 2020 but he wanted a sort of commercial deployment beginning on 2017.

According to CNet, this trial would make the leading wireless carrier company be the world's first carrier to use the 5G network. This also symbolizes the primary step to a larger telecom industry which aims to change the wireless service by integrating higher speed and response. "The future is going to bring more stuff that I can't really describe," Gurnani stated.

How Fast Is 5G? The test conducted by Verizon showed a 30 to 50 times faster service compared to the current 4G network. It's also better, in terms of speed, compared to the Google Fiber that offers direct physical connection in homes. Take this as an example, Marvel's "The Guardian of The Galaxy" movie, usually takes 6 minutes of download when using 4G or hours with other connection. However, with 5G network, it will only take 15 seconds to zip in the device.

Meanwhile, PhoneArena reported that in the near future, mobile phones are not the only devices that would need a 24/7 connection but also those autonomous drones, self-driving cars, smart wearables, and infrastructure solutions. These things would benefit from it as well so this kind of next-gen technologies are being put into progress. In other words, 5G is expected to give a reliable and simultaneous service for more devices.

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