Lenovo VR Headgear Features & Specs: Cheaper & Lighter Than The Vive & Rift; High Potential With Comfort [VIDEO]

By Jai
Jan 04, 2017 05:30 AM EST

The Virtual Reality technology is going to grow to new heights this year. And, we cannot deny that anymore. Just like other major players in the gadget world, Lenovo is stepping up with a VR headgear that is much cheaper, but packs in potential. The new Lenovo VR headset will be available for Windows platform.

 For now, no release date has been confirmed by the Chinese company yet, but it will come up later this year for sure. Lenovo also claims that the new VR headset will be priced less than $400.

Lenovo VR Headgear Features & Specs

This comfortable, yet cheap device will feature a high-end room-scale VR experience. Moreover, the Lenovo VR headgear is much lighter than the high-end models like the HTC Vive (which is about 550 grammes) and Oculus Rift (which weighs around 450 grammes). Lenovo plans on removing that extra weight and the final product will weigh around 350 grammes. Plus, the comfortable position for the headgear on the face will be with respect to forehead and not the user's nose.

Other Lenovo VR headgear features include two 1,440 x 1,440 screens that are present in front of the user's face. Another interesting feature of the device are the two mounted cameras in the front of the headset. These cameras are responsible for the room-scale virtual experience with the need of setting up light posts as seen in HTC Vive. That limits its bulkiness for sure.

This is the first VR device that offers a self-contained configuration for high-end virtual reality experience. Moreover, there is a possibility that the Lenovo VR headgear will support live streaming. Let's hope the device stands up to what it promises. The headgear is likely to come up this year. Will it be as good as the other VR headgears? We'll soon find out.

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