Google Turns Up The Heat, Files New Patent Lawsuit Against Apple

Aug 19, 2012 12:37 PM EDT

The battle between Google and Apple is heating up as Google's Motorola unit filed a new patent lawsuit against Apple, according to Bloomberg. The company is seeking to ban Apple iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices from selling in the United States. This newest attempt by Google to fight back against those who would do it wrong, is the latest in a string of disputes between both companies. This is the first time Motorola is filing a lawsuit against Apple since it was picked up by Google and you can be certain that Google is happy with the turnout of current events and how the tables have turned.

Whatever patent Google/Motorola is suing Apple over is currently unclear, but from the information we have discovered, these patents are a said to be a part of almost every modern Apple hardware, that includes the iPhone 4S, new iPad, Macs, and anything else Apple has out there on the market.

Motorola's official statement on the matter is as follows:

"We would like to settle these patent matters, but Apple's unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers' innovations."

Apple is busy kicking Samsung all over the field in the current trial that is being taken place in the United States, but to have a powerhouse such as Google and Motorola gearing up for a challenge in the courts, could put pressure on Apple to cease and desist its movement against Android.

Things could get a lot messier if this lawsuit is drawn into a trial. We could see Microsoft entering the field with its own set of patent attacks against Google. It has already begun with Microsoft asking OEMs to pay up because Android is allegedly overrun with Microsoft technology. Apple and Microsoft might be bitter rivals since the day technology was invented, but time and time again we've seen both companies coming together.

On Monday, we'll be able to tell what kind of patents Google and Motorola chose to wipe the smile off the face of Tim Cook and his merry little men.

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