Apple: iOS 6 'Maps' Is Just The Beginning Despite Multiple Errors

Sep 24, 2012 01:38 PM EDT

The launch of iOS 6's Maps feature, a replacement for Google Maps, caused some controversy. Famous landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty either disappeared entirely or appeared to have been destroyed. Apple said in a statement that Maps is in its early stages, and the company is working with developers to integrate transit apps into the software.

"We are excited to offer this service with innovative new features like Flyover, turn by turn navigation, and Siri integration. We launched this new map service knowing its is a major initiative and that we are just getting started with it. Maps is a cloud-based solution and the more people use it, the better it will get. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and are working hard to make the customer experience even better," Apple said in a statement to AllThingsD.

Apple then followed up a statement to technology website The Verge, revealing that it is working with developers to improve transit directions. Apple is bringing in multiple service providers, like TomTom and Yelp, to improve Maps. It contrasts Google, which provides the services for Google Maps.

"We're also working with developers to integrate some of the amazing transit apps in the App Store into iOS Maps. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and we are working hard to make the customer experience even better," Apple added to The Verge. Users may ask why Apple did not integrate developers before launch, rather than risking negative impressions following release.

Media and fans have questioned why Apple removed Google Maps. The new service is not performing better than Google Maps and, as Apple admitted, will take time. Google use its own cars to map roadside views of locations, introducing StreetView. Flyover is an impressive feature to look at, but it does not offer the reliability of StreetView.

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