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Dark Knight Rises Spoilers: Batman Frenzy Hits Fever Pitch

Johnny Wills

Christopher Nolan's final title in Batman saga series arrives this week. Innumerable speculations, great hustle, internet chatter, and a whirlpool of movie tickets have turned the Dark Night Rises into one of the most waited movies of 2012. The Batman frenzy has reached fever pitch with fans hankering for more.

Countless trailers, pre-release footage, spoilers, and gossip surrounding the upcoming movie abound by the dozen, adding to the increasing excitement. We would like to warn you, before you proceed further, that do not read on if you don't want to avoid possible spoilers before going to the theater this weekend.

However, we know that curiosity kills the cat and you will not quit reading. So here are the leaks regarding the grand finale of Nolan's Batman.

The Dark Knight Rises is one of the most tightly held blockbusters in Hollywood history. However, Warner Bros. started leaking some juicy
details last week about what Batman goes through to save the legendry Gotham City from the masked villain Bane, tying with Catwoman (I thought she died years ago).

According to production notes, the blockbuster is plotted eight years after the timeline of the previous title - The Dark Knight - where Master Bruce went to the dark side of heroism to make Harvey Dent a hero. Movie trailers are mainly focused on villainous Bane rather than the Bat-boy, hinting that the new villain is greatly difficult to catch than the Joker. The notes also say that the Batman is motivated by Selina Kyle who played Catwoman in comics. In addition, Batman also requests Catwoman for help in the mission to stop Bane. Rumors also suggest that John Blake can take the role of a sidekick, like Robin, in the upcoming Batman title. Like Bruce Wayne, the villainous Bane also wears a mask. However, not to keep his identity secret, but to stay alive as a device is fitted in his head against the never-ending pane he suffered a long time ago.

If you remember last time, Batman had a car/bike hybrid. This time, the Batmobile is a car-plane hybrid that equips 50-caliber machine guns and rocket launchers.

The director says that he is done with the Batman and this is the final Batman movie from him. However, do not expect it to be the last title featuring the caped crusader. Batman may go underground for a while, but we can expect the legendry hero to return back as the character is a great business for Warner Bros.

David Letterman let a big detail slip by saying that Batman dies at the end of the movie. Rumors are high that John Blake can take the role of the caped crusader in future Batman titles.

Well, that was all we know about the upcoming movie. Do you plan to see The Dark Knight Rises this weekend? If so, you better hurry up as most of the shows have been sold out in major cities across the U.S.

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