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London Olympics 2012: The Best Apps for Never Missing an Event

Jonathan Charles

London Olympics Opening Ceremony 2012 brought humor, history, and hype our way. Events are already underway with the eagerly-awaited Track and Field approaching. If you want to be in the Olympic loop, here are the apps for never missing an event.

BBC Olympics App

Continually recommended because the BBC is providing fantastic coverage on its website of every event, in video, and the app follows suit. Video from the BBC channels can be streamed over 3G or Wi-Fi, while there's pre- and post-event news and athletes' bios.

The app is available for free on iOS and Android.

London 2012 Official Results App

A news hub rather than a complete Olympics service, compared to the BBC's offering, the London 2012 Official Results app brings every piece of news together as it happens. It shows the upcoming events and an expandable news feed with the latest information is available.

The app is free for both iOS and Android.

Sports Illustrated

A fantastic example of how magazines can flourish on tablets, Sports Illustrated is reporting live from London and is offering an Olympics-specific version of the magazine.

Video updates will be published daily and medals across the countries will be constantly updated. What's more, the photos aren't bad either!

 iPad only, for free.

Note: The full magazine on newsstands requires a subscription.


Seemingly not recommended across the Web, this app gets a mention because it provides fantastic notifications on the big events. Users can customize notifications so that specific events get notifications and news on events is published shortly after events finish.

Eurosport is free on iOS and Android.

Reuters Olympics London 2012

Reading a Reuters story is usually accompanied with an almost-impossible-to-take picture, so how about bringing the photos together in an app to view? It's exactly what Reuters has done, so revisiting the highs and lows of every event is possible. A fast internet connection is recommended though, so stay away 56kers. The app is free on iOS.

Of course, the above apps are just some samples of what's available in the app store. Apps for specific regions are available as well, so do go ahead and share your favorite Olympic apps below.

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