Whether you are a small business owner or the CEO of a multibillion company, it is essential to be in tune with current technologies. With the growth of the Internet Of Things across all industries, it has become essential to follow through within your business. Moreover, mobile phones have become increasingly popular through the years and it is now, without a doubt, the most important piece of technology we all own. So, how can a mobile app optimise your business? Read on to find out.
Keep in touch with your customers
There is no better way to improve your customer service and to keep in touch with your clientele than a mobile app. According to eMarketer, nearly 90% of mobile internet time is spent on apps, why would you not take advantage of that?
Having an app is great, but it's even more important to personalise it and make it even more enjoyable than your desktop website. You could create customs notifications with discount codes, or some deals that customers can only find while using the app. It is essential to make it as simple, quick and easy as possible for your customers to use. As stated by a spokesperson for Parcel2Go "there's very little you can't do with our app that you can do on our website" , in fact, on their app, you can easily "compare parcel prices and postal rates from the most reliable parcel delivery companies - saving you time, effort and money".
Improve your branding
If you have a business, no matter how big or small, branding should be your number one priority. It will allow you to stand out from the competition and grab your customers' attention. When you create your app, you need to make sure you choose a theme that represents the company. It could be a logo, a font, a style of writing, etc. Branding is all about identity and your brand's identity needs to shine bright on your app.
It is also important to be consistent with your branding. What you have on your app needs to match your website, your business cards, your catalogue, etc. You don't want to confuse your customers. While branding is essential, you may need the help of professionals to put all of it together. Most of the time, it involves some content marketing, and you may need some professional help if you're not comfortable doing it yourself.
A bright future
All in all, mobile apps are completely taking over most of the industries out there. From retailers to utility providers and courier services, it has become an essential tool that needs to be utilised to avoid losing out on new customers and repeat business.
In the next few years, we can expect brands to utilise GPS as a way to push advertising to their customers or create a human-machine interaction (Cortana, Alexa, Google assistant) to maximise user engagement.
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