Reporter: Anu Passary

  • Mobile

    'Amazon Prepping iPhone 5 Killer, Woos Foxconn

    It was only a few days ago that rumors of an Apple iPad Mini taking on Amazon's Kindle Fire were rife. Now, Amazon seems to be upping its game by brewing up a smartphone that is tipped to be an iPhone 5 killer.

    Anu Passary
  • Internet / Social Media

    'DNSChanger Malware Will Make Thousands Lose Web Access on Monday: How to Protect Yourself

    Come July 9, thousands of people around the globe could end up losing access to the virtual world if their computer is infected with malicious software aka malware. Computers that are still running the DNSChanger malware will be denied Internet access as the FBI intends on disconnecting infected machines from the Internet. But fret not, as we're here to help you remove the malware.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'iPhone 5, iPad Mini May Share Stage in October

    If the grapevine is to be believed, Apple may just pull out the mother-of-all-marketing coups with its double whammy launches! Rumors are rife that the gadget world will see the onslaught of not one but two heavyweights from the Apple stable - come fall, the tech giant will be launching both iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini.

    Anu Passary
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