Reporter: Johnny Wills


'Anonymous Hacks 55,000 Twitter Accounts, Passwords Leaked Online: Could You be Exposed Too?

In a major Twitter server hack, claimed to be carried out by group affiliated to infamous hacktivist organization called "Anonymous", details of 55,000 Twitter accounts has been leaked online. However, nearly half of those accounts appear to be duplicate and majority belongs to accounts that have been suspended by Twitter in the past.

Johnny Wills
  • Mobile

    'Samsung Focus 2 Comes to AT&T: What You Need to Know

    Samsung and AT&T on Monday showcased Samsung Focus 2 - the first Windows phone with support for 4G LTE networks from the Korean stable. Samsung Focus 2 is not a high-end smartphone like Samsung Focus S or Nokia Lumia 900, but it is close to give a feel of one with a slick design and high data speeds on AT&T's LTE network.

    Johnny Wills
  • Internet / Social Media

    'NotCompatible Trojan May Attack Compromised Corporate Network

    Android smartphone and tablet users must be aware of a Trojan horse spreading under the hood. Coined as "NotCompatible", a new malware is spreading itself through hacked web sites, targeting Android users, along with being a threat to corporate networks and their security.

    Johnny Wills
  • Mobile

    'Apple Wants Domain: No 'New iPhone' on the Way?

    What will the next-generation iPhone be called? iPhone 5? iPhone 4G LTE? New iPhone? Most people are confident that Apple might name its next smartphone, "the new iPhone", same as the tech giant did with the third generation iPad. However, recent developments indicate otherwise.

    Johnny Wills
  • Tablet

    'New iPad 3: Did Apple Settle for Second Grade Tablet?

    The new iPad is great. It packs a super high-resolution display, a powerful A5X chipset and 4G LTE chips. But it could be the backup plan for Apple. Some analysts are saying that the original plan of Apple was to release a thinner tablet. The third-generation iPad was meant to be lighter than its predecessor. Instead there is an extra weight and thickness to the design of new iPad.

    Johnny Wills
  • Gadgets

    '$99 Xbox 360 + Kinect Bundle: Worth Buying?

    Buying an Xbox 360 could get more like buying a smartphone from a network service provider in U.S. Recent report is that Microsoft could offer the Xbox 360 bundle including the popular Kinect sensor on a subsidized price of $99 on two year contract terms. And it could hit the market as soon as this week.

    Johnny Wills
  • What's App

    'Facebook Buys Ambient Social Location App Glancee: Why?

    After the recent $1 billion acquisition of social photography app - Instagram, Facebook has just bought another app - Glancee. The purchase was confirmed by Glancee on Friday. However, the deal is confidential and there are no words on the acquisition amount. Just there is a note over Glancee Web site that reads - "Glancee is joining Facebook".

    Johnny Wills
  • Gadgets

    'Xbox 720 Secretly Being Manufactured in Texas Plant?

    Microsoft's next-generating gaming console - Xbox 720 or whatever the name will be - is back in news again. We have been hearing rumors about next-gen Microsoft's gaming console since last year though Microsoft has stated that Xbox 720 will not be seeing the day of light in 2012. The latest rumors indicate that Xbox 720 is apparently being manufactured in a Texas Plant and it could release in 2013.

    Johnny Wills
  • Mobile

    'Galaxy S3 Versus iPhone 4S: Battle of the Titans

    Samsung has finally released its new flagship smartphone - the Galaxy S3. Samsung's dethroned king - Galaxy S2 - is the biggest rival of Apple iPhone 4S, at least until now. Galaxy S2 and iPhone 4S are often compared but it gets complicated to conclude which one is better. Now, after a new flagship device has been launched, people are eager to know whether Galaxy S3 can beat iPhone 4S or not.

    Johnny Wills
  • OS / Software

    'iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak Comes to iPhone 4: What You Need to Know

    Apple iPhone 4 owners, who have been waiting for a proper untethered, have good news here. Renowned iOS hacker pod2g has tweeted that his iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1 is running untethered now.

    Johnny Wills
  • Mobile

    'Cut it Out: Judge Orders Apple, Samsung to Reduce Patent Claims in Lawsuit

    Samsung and Apple have been engaged in a sizzling fight, where neither of the two tech giants wants to let another one tighten its grip over the patent infringement lawsuit in pursuit of a win. On the other hand, a U.S. court seems to be sick over their bitter fights. For the second time, a U.S. judge has ordered Apple and Samsung to reduce patent claims.

    Johnny Wills
  • What's Hot

    'Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Top 10 Things You Need to Know (PHOTOS)

    After early leaks in January 2012, the worst kept secret in the game industry has been announced officially. Call of Duty: Black Ops II is coming in November and Treyarch Studio head Mark Lamia has leaked some juicy details about the upcoming first person shooter (FPS) game.

    Johnny Wills
  • OS / Software

    'Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich on Just 5 Percent of Android Devices: Why?

    After 7 months of its release, the percentage of Android OS 4.0, dubbed Ice Cream Sandwich, on Android devices is finally growing. Google has released a comparison chart of different version of Android OS. Android 4.0 market share has increased but still it occupies just 5 percent of market. Why?

    Johnny Wills
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