Square Enix Shifts Focus from New ‘Deus Ex’ Title to Marvel Project

Feb 01, 2017 04:30 PM EST

Following the announcement of a collaboration between Square Enix and Marvel called "The Avengers Project", upcoming "Deus Ex" titles will reportedly have to take a backseat. Square Enix will allegedly use its resources to develop the multi-game project featuring various Marvel characters.

Eurogamer posits that "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's" "underwhelming sales" could have contributed to the delay in a new game in the "Deus Ex" franchise. The hiatus means that several "hanging story threads" will also remain unanswered as Square Enix works on several upcoming Marvel games.

Sadly, "Deus Ex" fans can only speculate on plot points that "were intended to be resolved in a third game, which would also complete the trilogy of Deus Ex titles begun by predecessor Human Revolution." Unused material for another "Deus Ex" game "was once intended for Mankind Divided," but the game "grew too large in scope and had to be curtailed." There has been no word if Square Enix will return to the "untold story," or if the company will resort to other means of storytelling such as graphic novels.

Eidos Montreal, a Square Enix-owned Canadian studio that also developed "Deus Ex: Human Revolution", will reportedly be working on "Shadow of the Tomb Raider." Information about the upcoming "Tomb Raider" game was leaked last year when a sharp-eyed commuter spotted information about the title on a fellow commuter's laptop, per Kotaku.

Eidos Montreal will also be working on a video game that will focus on Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy." The "Guardians of the Galaxy" game seems to be the second title in "The Avengers Project" that was announced last week. The Canadian studio will also be working on "The Avengers," a Crystal Dynamics title.

When asked for a comment, Eidos Montreal replied, "While we are still working on expanding the Deus Ex Universe, along with creating new content and updates for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, we're also devoting our talents towards working with Crystal Dynamics and Marvel on The Avengers project."

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