Apple iPhone 5S Components Supply To Start In May, Launch In Q3: Rumors

Mar 21, 2013 07:30 AM EDT

The supply chain rumors about Apple's next generation iPhone have surfaced once again. New rumors suggest that Apple's supply partners will start shipping the components of the so called 'iPhone 5S' by end of May this year.

A DigiTimes report on the basis of the information given by its sources suggests that the next iPhone may make an entry into the world market by the third quarter of this year.

"The sources pointed out that if the components are all shipped smoothly, manufacturers should be able to deliver the new iPhones to retail channels in 1-2 weeks for them to be ready to sell in the third quarter," the report adds.

The sources also indicate that the iPhone 5S will not come with very different features and design from iPhone 5. The new iPhone 5S will be a 'slightly' enhanced version of iPhone 5 with a more power processor and more advanced camera.

There are many other rumors surrounding Apple's next iPhone and many of them gone a way ahead conceptualizing the iPhone 5S coming up with a stylus and NFC Technology.

At the starting of the year, KGI Securities Analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo had predicted that Apple will launch its iPhone 5S in the third quarter this year.

"The iPhone 5S, which Kuo believes will launch sometime in June or July, will have largely the same aesthetic as the existing model, but will boast a built-in fingerprint sensor, improved camera and more powerful A7 SoC," Apple Insider reported.

Every time the rumors come up about the iPhone 5S they are accompanied with some rumors about iPhone's budget device also.

The DigiTimes report also have a mention about the budget phone with plastic chassis, but the details about the components and the release were not given.

"Apple also plans to release an iPhone model using plastic chassis to push its global smartphone market share," the report said quoting a source.

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