
Apple Might Not See Increased Sales With iPhone 8? Users Prefer Older Devices

Apple Might Not See Increased Sales With iPhone 8? Users Prefer Older Devices

Caitlin Moore

Speculations emerged that Apple is working on a major iPhone release this year but the tech giant may not be able to meet its target sales with the iPhone 8. The news came from Barclays Analyst Mark Moskowitz who revealed that the Cupertino-based company saw a downgrade of stock in the market. That said, the challenges that iPhone 8 will face might be difficult to overcome.

Moskowitz apparently thinks that iPhone 8 could not promise an increase in revenue for the company. "What's happening currently with the iPhone 7 as relates to a mixing down to 6S, combined with the potential of no must-have advanced features in iPhone 8, makes us skeptical of a meaningful growth rebound (i.e., 10%-plus) manifesting later this year," the analyst explained.

What Moskowitz wants to say is that consumers may not be so enticed to get their hands on the iPhone 8 based on the current trend that sees users opting for older devices such as iPhone 6s. He refers to it as "mixing down" and it is something that could affect the sales of the new flagship device. However, he still believes that Apple could still meet a lot of opportunities especially in investing and expanding its other service business like the Apple Music.

Meanwhile, iPhone 8 is speculated to sport a glass and steel design with no physical home button because the Touch ID sensor is embedded in the display. It is also suggested to equip a horizontal dual lens camera. But fans are advised that these are mere speculations as the company has not officially announced any insights about its next flagship device.

Are you one of those interested to purchase another Apple iPhone this year? What can you say about the upcoming iPhone 8? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

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