'Horizon Zero Dawn' Ps4 Exclusive, Game's Impressive Graphics Gets Good Reviews

Jan 31, 2017 12:05 PM EST

The open-world action game "Horizon Zero Dawn" is set to be released on Feb. 28. The game is the first open-world game from Guerrilla Games, the game developer behind "Killzone".

Guerilla Games went out of its comfort zone in developing the game. The game developer has been known for first-person shooter games and has not ventured in open world games.

Though the development of the game may not be as smooth as the developer wants it to be, the gamble seems to pay up. "Horizon Zero Dawn" is one of the most anticipated video game title this 2017.

The new game is set a thousand years in the future in a time when humans revert back to their hunter-gatherer ways. In the game, humans hunt for mechanical beasts for parts.

Arstechnica praised the incredible look of the game's primary characters. It described the graphics of the game as full of texture and detail.

The game developer did not leave any stone unturn in developing the game. Even the side-quest characters are created with solid facial-animation system.

Arstechnica also described the game as "possibly the most dramatically colored video game". Not only is the game's impressive visual effects seen in its outside world, it is also noticeable in the indoor scenes of the game.

Gamestop, on the other hand, praised the game's impressive combat. The only complaint that it had about the "Horizon Zero Dawn" combat is its finicky camera.

Players will be controlling Aloy, the main protagonist of the game. Aloy is branded as an outcast in her matriarchal and matrilineal tribe because she has no mother. According to Gamestop, the characterization of the game's hero makes her more relatable and interesting.

"Horizon Zero Dawn" will be released on Feb. 28. The game is exclusive for PlayStation 4. 


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