Keanu Reeves Explains the Ending of 'John Wick: Chapter 2' [Spoilers]

Feb 14, 2017 09:50 AM EST

Fans and critics have both enjoyed the neo-noir action thriller "John Wick: Chapter 2." The sequel once again starred Keanu Reeves as the titular assassin.

CinemaBlend sat down with Keanu Reeves, and the star graciously explained the ending of "John Wick: Chapter 2." Do take note that the rest of this article will contain spoilers for the sequel.

Before the credits roll on "John Wick: Chapter 2," Wick has now "broken the rules for international assassins." With a worldwide bounty on his head, how long can Wick and his dog escape their countless pursuers? The sequel's ending has also opened the way for a possible Chapter 3 in the story of the incredibly determined John Wick.

Wick has now gone "rogue against the establishment," and he could be "facing more threats than he's ever faced before." When asked about "the decision to leave John Wick where he is at the conclusion of the film, and what's being done to carve out the next narrative," Reeves said, "We wanted to come to a place that John literally had to fight for his life, and that he's starting to become a little anti-establishment. And that's really where the character starts to develop. It's like the rules and world that he lived by, aren't starting to work for him, and they're not working! There are people who are out to get him because of [his] transgressions. And we liked that idea because we like John - when I say 'we' I mean the producers, the writer, the director -- we like to see him suffer!"

Although Winston (portrayed by Ian McShane) kindly gives Wick a one-hour head start, that probably won't be enough to keep him ahead of all the assassins who will undoubtedly come after him to claim the bounty on his head. Reeves shared that the film's writer Derek Kolstad and Chad Stahelski were not sure where Chapter 3 could go, but they are all excited to brainstorm for the possible sequel.

The actor teased that they all wanted John Wick to find himself once again stuck in another seemingly hopeless situation. With countless assassins racing to get the prize, Reeves' quipped that Wick could find himself in Jerusalem, or even "in the middle of the desert."

While Lionsgate has not announced any official plans yet for "John Wick: Chapter 3," things look bright for the franchise as "John Wick: Chapter 2" is doing well at the box office. The third movie featuring John Wick could be even bigger than the first two movies, per Inquisitr.


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