
UFO Sightings 2016: Recorded Events Since Sept. That Still Have No Explanation

UFO Sightings 2016: Recorded Events Since Sept. That Still Have No Explanation

C Prakash

Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects in space that could not be explained by any known logic or fact, are claimed as evidence for alien visits by ufologists. These sightings mainly happen in outer space as explained by NASA during many outer space missions. While these sightings have also been reported in Earth's atmosphere.

Although certain explanation have since been found for almost all of them, we have come across many instances of UFO sightings in 2016 and past years that still raise eyebrows.

Oct 2016:

Two Colorado dwellers have reported a silent UFO moving overhead between 8:40 and 8:45pm on Oct 7, 2016, according to testimony in Case 79732 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The duo claimed that the UFO was chevron-shaped and moving 200 feet above neighbouring homes in Longmont, Colorado.

Sep 2016:

Another witness from Maryland described the UFO as a cross shaped object when she sighted it crossing the sky at 500feet with an unusual sound. Reported in case 79581 for MUFON database.

Oct 2016:

The recent finding of the wreck of a German U-boat that sank almost 100 years ago has been discovered laying subsea. Experts believe that the vessel could be the UB-85, a sub that sank in 1918.

The mysterious sinking of the U-Boat raised eyebrows. Naval folklores suggested it may have been attacked by a "sea monster," a kind of "unidentified object."

However, Dr. McCartney, a historian and nautical archaeologist does not believe the tale, who also helped in identifying the wreckage.

Recently, it has emerged that the "British X-file," a documented report into UFO sightings, were delayed in publishing because it has been returned by National Archives to the Ministry of Defence for censoring. Those files contain sensitive information, including even proven alien life. According to alien hunters, the files were kept secret for 30 years and were due to publish in March this year. They seem to believe that it contains info about alien life.

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