Reporter: Anu Passary

  • Mobile

    'iPhone 5 Motherboard Photo Leaked: Real or Fake?

    The cascade of iPhone 5 rumors are gathering pace as Apple's next-gen smartphone gets ready for its hypothesized September debut. In the past few weeks iFans have been bombarded with leaked images of the alleged nano-SIM tray, assembled parts, and speculations surrounding the 9-pin dock connector amongst other rumors. Joining the spate of rumors is iPhone 5's motherboard photo leak, as aficionados are left to wonder if the images are authentic or fake.

    Anu Passary
  • What's Hot

    'NFC not Limited to Mobile Payments Alone: Top Three Future Uses

    Near-Field Technology or NFC is synonymous with mobile payments. The technology has great potential, which (despite being around since the early 2000's) it has been unable to capitalize on.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'Samsung Galaxy S3 Beats iPhone 5 to Become World's First HD VoLTE Smartphone

    Dropped calls and interrupted connections are soon set to fade into oblivion, courtesy Samsung's HD VoLTE technology. On Aug. 9, Samsung confirmed that it will be launching the Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) services in the South Korean market in August. Samsung beats rival iPhone 5 in the process and is poised to become the world's first HD VoLTE smartphone.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'iPhone 5 Release Date: AT&T Putting 'All Hands on Deck' for Sept. 12 Debut, Sept. 21 Launch

    With the launch of the iPhone 5 approaching, recent reports indicate that telecommunication giant AT&T has implemented an "all-hands-on-deck policy" for workers in anticipation of the smartphone's release. Apple is expected to unveil the iPhone 5 and other new iOS devices at a press conference in San Francisco on Sept. 12.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'Galaxy Note 2: Too Hot to Handle?

    Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is one of the most anticipated smartphones of 2012. Slated for an Aug. 29 release, the Galaxy Note 2 will be unveiled in Berlin two days prior to the start of the IFA conference. The Note 2 is a follow-up to Samsung's hugely successful Galaxy Note and is expected to give Apple's iPhone 5 and iPad Mini some stiff competition.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'Galaxy Note 2 vs Galaxy S3: Wait or Buy Now?

    Samsung Galaxy S3 has a new challenger, and it is not the iPhone 5. The Galaxy Note 2, which is slated for an Aug. 29 debut, is preparing to give its Galaxy S3 counterpart some stiff competition. With two robust Samsung devices on offer, the stage is set for the Galaxy Note 2 vs. Galaxy S3 saga.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'iPhone 5 Parts Photo Leaks Spark New Features Rumors

    It's only been a few days since leaked images of a nano-SIM tray for the next-gen iPhone 5 surfaced on the Internet. French site has bettered its previous find by posting new images of purported iPhone 5 parts. The photo leaks appear to validate the perennial iPhone 5 rumors.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'Galaxy Note 2: Good Enough to Steal iPhone 5's Thunder

    The clash of the mobile titans is intensifying. Samsung and Apple have locked horns in an ongoing patent lawsuit, and the battle is now poised to spill over to the smartphone market. With Samsung's Galaxy Note 2 slated for an Aug. 29 debut, Samsung is gearing up to compete with Apple's iPhone 5.

    Anu Passary
  • Mobile

    'Samsung Galaxy S3 Black: New iPhone Nemesis Spotted on Facebook

    The Korean tech giant Samsung is leaving no stone unturned to bolster Galaxy S3 sales. A series of photographs showcasing a black Galaxy S3 have surfaced on the official Samsung Olympics Facebook page. The pictures on the Facebook page were uploaded to demonstrate how the Galaxy S3's features can enhance the Olympic experience.

    Anu Passary
  • Gadgets

    'Start-Up Ouya Makes a Splash: Raises More Than $8.5 Million on Kickstarter

    Android-powered gaming console Ouya is taking the gaming world by storm. The Los Angeles-based start-up company had launched a Kickstarter project earlier in July this year, to raise funds which would aid its production dreams. The company has bettered its $950, 000 pledge, which was achieved easily in July itself, and has managed to raise a whopping $8.5 million!

    Anu Passary
  • What's Hot

    'Silver Lining for RIM in Patent Battle With Mformation: U.S. Judge Backs BlackBerry Maker

    A U.S. judge's ruling in the ongoing Mformation Technologies Inc. vs. Research in Motion Ltd. patent litigation grants a much-needed reprieve to BlackBerry maker RIM. According to court papers, Judge James Ware ruled that Mformation had failed to establish that RIM had infringed on its patent. Ware consequently overturned the jury verdict that awarded $147.2 million to the plaintiff.

    Anu Passary
  • What's App

    'Click for Coffee: Starbucks Corp. Teams Up With Square Inc., Will Invest $25 Million

    The morning cuppa is now just a click away. The world's biggest coffee chain - Starbucks - has tied up with Square Inc. for its mobile app "Pay With Square". As part of the deal, which was announced on Wednesday, Aug. 8, the Seattle-based Starbucks Corp. will also be investing $25 million in Square Inc. Starbucks will also pay a fee to Square for its systems; however, the two companies did not divulge the details.

    Anu Passary
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