'Steven Universe' Season 4 Episode 5, 6 Spoilers: Leaked Trailer Hints At Steven Replacing Funland's Fortune Teller Mr. Harold Smiley?

Sep 01, 2016 07:20 AM EDT

Ahead of its official release, a leaked preview of "Steven Universe" season 4 episode 5 began streaming online. The 98-second long video hints that the plot will hugely revolve around Steven telling people's fortunes at Funland.

'Steven Universe' Season 4 Episode 4 Recap

The fourth episode of "Steven Universe" season 4, which aired on Aug. 25, started with Connie strolling up the stairs of the Beach House and knocked on the door. Answering the door is Steven, who appeared bald, asking what a beautiful day it was.

Connie, unaware of Steven's baldness, concurred with him with a calm demeanor. The latter is stunned that the former did not notice his baldness and attempted to get Connie's attention until he finally has to yell it out to her that he is now bald.

The scene changed to the Sky Arena, where Steven and Connie proceeded with their combat training fused as Stevonnie. However, an overpowering guilt from both Steven and Connie over past events seemingly got in their way. With this, Garnet helped them find inner peace.

'Steven Universe' Season 4 Episode 5 Spoilers

Dubbed "Future Boy Zoltron," the fifth episode of the fourth season of "Steven Universe" will follow Steven gets inquisitive with a fortune telling machine called Zoltron.

According to Movie News Guide, the titular character will doubtlessly appreciate Zoltron so much to the point that he will go to the Funland and tries portraying as a fortune teller to everyone.

Speculations are rife that there is a high chance that Steven will somehow supplant the town's current fortune teller, Mr. Harold Smiley. The upcoming episode is also expected to reveal Steven's psychic powers.

What's more, the leaked trailer also unveiled Steven wants a "Fancy Kanzoo." Much to his dismay, the Zoltron reacted with an insignificant answer. Meanwhile, the title of the upcoming fifth episode of "Steven Universe" season 4 is said to be influenced by the 1978 sci-fi anime series, "Future Boy Conan," CSN reported.

Check out the leaked "Steven Universe" season 4 episode 5 trailer below:

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