SKT Dynansty, Ad FInem vs OG: The Top Stories Of ESports 2016

Dec 27, 2016 08:09 PM EST

2016 has been a great year for eSports, the revenue projections are at their highest and the popularity of eSports has skyrocketed to a level that no one could have ever imagined. 2016 has also seen the emergence of teams that were once thought as underdogs and the creation of a dynasty.

The first noteworthy moment of 2016 eSports is the Overwatch phenomenon. Not only did Overwatch conquered the FPS gaming platform this 2016 but it also created waves in the eSports community when it gave away $100,000 worth of prizes in the Overwatch Open which was concluded this September. With the increasing popularity of the game to casual gamers, looks like Overwatch has already cemented its place in the world of eSports.

Another momentous event in the world of eSports is the coming to life of the SKT dynasty. In the six years of League of Legends World Tournament, three of these championships were won by Top LOL team SKT. The three championships won by SKT includes a back to back title in 2015 and 2016.

DOTA 2 has been known to throw out huge amounts of prize pools in its international tournaments. The third noteworthy event of eSports 2016 is team Wings' winning ways which resulted to a $9million cash prize. The $9million is the highest cash prize given in any eSports event.

One of the defining moments of 2016 eSports is the emergence of Ad Finem. The story of Ad Finem in the recently concluded Boston Majors is one classic underdog story. Ad Finem, a relatively unknown team from Greece, surprised the entire DOTA 2 professional gaming community when it reached the Boston Majors to challenge the eventual champion OG.

Though it would have been a better story if Ad Finem was able to pull out a classic David vs Goliath story by winning over OG, still, Ad Finem has already stamped its mark in the DOTA 2 Pro league.

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