‘Uncharted' Movie: Script Is 'Done & Dusted'; Film To Move Forward To Pre-Production

Jan 09, 2017 12:10 AM EST

The "Uncharted" movie project started to get good news after it was confirmed that Shawn Levy is stepping in to helm the film. Joe Carnahan was also called in to pen the film's script.

The game-to-film adaptation may now actually have film makers tied to it, but the urgency of pushing through with its production seems to have been put to a halt. Coming Soon had previously reported that Sony Pictures pulled the "Uncharted" film from its release calendar for 2017. The film was originally scheduled for a June 30, 2017 launch.

"Uncharted" might finally gets a nod toward its production stages after Carnahan confirmed on his Instagram account that he is done writing the script. "Done and dusted," his post read. "Now, the REAL work begins. If there is a more monstrously cool action script in Hollywood right now, I wanna read it because this thing is a BEAST."

As mentioned, this film is a movie adaptation of the action-adventure video game of the same title from Sony Interactive. Its story follows Nate Drake, a treasure hunter who believes that he has discovered the location of the golden city of El Dorado. The search becomes more exciting when a rival hunter joins the fray - in addition to mutated Spaniard and Nazi enemies.

Carnahan previously told Collider that he wrote Nate's character with an "anti-Indiana Jones" tone, since he will be "looting and pillaging these UNESCO sites and world heritage sites and also these uncharted realms."

To date, the role of Nate remains untied to any actor. However, Carnahan admitted that he and Levy have been in talks about a few male actors for the part. "It just depends on how young we want to make Nate and then, ultimately, how young we want to make Sully," he said. He did add that his choice would be Nolan North, but everything will have to depend on "sheer economics."

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