
Simon Brodkin Pelted Donald Trump With Swastika Golf Balls; Prankster Explains How & Why He Did It [Watch]

Simon Brodkin Pelted Donald Trump With Swastika Golf Balls; Prankster Explains How & Why He Did It [Watch]

Arianne Gift

Simon Brodkin didn't exactly hurl the golf balls towards Donald Trump, per se. Rather, he sent them rolling towards Trump across the ninth tee, when the then presumptive Republican nominee was giving a press conference at the reopening of his Turnberry golf resort in Ayrshire.

Red golf balls emblazoned with swastikas were rolling towards the now POTUS, and a man in a Trump Turberry pullover nonchalantly made his way towards the attendees, waving Nazi golf balls at their faces. Of course, it had to be Brodkin, who then started handing out the balls to the media present at the event.

In an interview with The Guardian, the prankster recalled the "swastika golf ball" incident last summer and merely laughed about it. Brodkin was dragged off by Trump's men ten seconds after the interruption -- and then he was cuffed.

The comedian remembered hearing Scottish voices then and said it relieved him. At least, according to Brodkin, he wasn't going to be tortured or shot. When asked why he chose the Nazi golf balls, he initially said they were the cheapest. He laughed for a bit but then shifted to a more serious tone.

"Many people are fearful of him (Trump). His vitriol towards others and his self-aggrandizing make a lot of people see connections. What I'm doing is always about making comedy connections," he said.

Brodkin still gets a kick out of watching the Trump prank on YouTube. In the video, Trump is visibly rattled but remains composed, and is heard giving orders to lead the comedian out. According to Brodkin, a police sergeant from the golf course actually recognized him, specifically, his alter ego Lee Nelson.

In the end, the police had to put Brodkin on the other side of the England-Scotland border. The prankster observed of Trump's men who escorted him: "Presumably, Trump's people didn't know I could just walk back across."

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