
'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' Renewed For Season 4 As Host Spotted At Indira Gandhi International Airport To Visit Narendra Modi?

'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' Renewed For Season 4 As Host Spotted At Indira Gandhi International Airport To Visit Narendra Modi?


HBO revealed that "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" will be back for its Season 4 on February 2017. With the hiatus, comedian Oliver is spotted at the Indira Gandhi International Airport, with everyone asking why.

Despite the election results, John Oliver remained as committed to taking on Donald Trump on "Last Week Tonight's" final episode of the year last Sunday night of November 13, as he was when he attempted to "Make Donald Drumpf Again" again towards the beginning of the show's third season.

He explained in detail why there's nothing "normal" about a Trump presidency, while encouraging viewers to get involved by donating to organizations related to groups that may be the most negatively impacted by the incoming president's policies, before describing why 2016 has been the absolute worst.

"You need to support actual journalism by buying a subscription to outlets like The (New York) Times, The (Washington) Post, your local newspaper, or donate to groups like ProPublica, a nonprofit group which does great investigative journalism," Oliver urged his audience during the show.

"If you can afford the time or money, support organizations that are going to need help under a Trump administration. For instance, if you're concerned about women's health, donate to Planned Parenthood, or the Center for Reproductive Rights," the comedian added. "If you don't believe man-made global warming is a silly issue, donate to the Natural Resources Defense Council. If you don't think refugees are a terrorist army in disguise, donate to the International Refugee Assistance Project."

Meanwhile, there were no official statement why the English comedian was at the Indira Gandhi International airport, New Delhi, but some speculate that after David Letterman's visit to Narendra Modi earlier this year, it could be that the British journalist Oliver is all set to even the scores with his American counterpart.

"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" is set to return for its Season 4 on February 12, 2017.

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