iPad Mini: Something Bigger than Rumors

Jul 04, 2012 02:12 PM EDT

Apple, at the moment, offers iPad in 10-inch form factor only. However, the fact might change this year as rumors and reports focusing on a 7-inch tablet from Apple are at all time high.

After the debut of Google Nexus tablet, iPad Mini is the only big tablet left in the rumor mill. However, this tablet is not just a rumor. Most of the big publications and analysts are talking about iPad Mini nowadays.

Pacific Crest analyst Andy Hargreaves outed a research note last week, claiming that Apple will launch iPad Mini in October. He claims that the tablet will have 7.85-inch display and will come with 8GB of internal storage. In addition, Apple will also launch 16GB iPad Mini in place of 16GB iPad 2 which is currently selling for $399.

Bloomberg also believes that a 7.85-inch iPad is in Apple's plans. The publication reported on Tuesday that the new iPad that Apple is believed to unveil this fall packs seven to eight inch display with 1,024 X 768 pixels resolution.

According to NPD DisplaySearch analyst Richard Shim, Apple is working on a tablet with 7.85-inch display, which is likely to debut this year.

"For the 7.85-inch panel, there's a business plan for it, there's a mass production target for it. And we know that it's for Apple," Shim told CNET. "I don't know the name of the product, but I know it's going to be a tablet."

The latest addition to rumor mill, courtesy of Wall Street Journal, is another confirmation of iPad Mini. WSJ reported on Wednesday that Apple is working on a tablet with a screen smaller than 8 inches. The publication claims that component suppliers in Asia are gearing up for mass production of iPad Mini, which is scheduled to begin in September, so that the tablet can debut in October this year.

Folks at Unwired View are adding their own flavor to rumors. Citing reliable industry sources, the tech site claimed that iPad Mini will pack IGZO (Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide) display panels manufactured by Sharp, which support pixel density up to 330ppi.

With all the tech media talking about iPad Mini as the next tablet from Apple, the reports looks like more than just rumors. As far as pricing is concerned, iPad Mini is believed to the priced between $249-299. We would not be surprised to see Apple showing off a smaller iPad at the iPhone 5 launch event this fall.

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