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'Star Wars: Battlefront' Death Star DLC Guide: How To Get All New Weapons And Star Cards

The new expansion for "Star Wars: Battlefront," "Death Star," is finally out! The new DLC also brings new weapons to the game, along with two new star cards. This guide will tell you how to unlock the new weapons, as well as sample gameplays.

New Weapons

TL-50 Heavy Repeater

Description: A heavy blaster with a secondary fire mode which launches an explosive round.

How to Unlock: To unlock this weapon, you need to get 20 kills as an empire soldier. You would also need 75 heavy blaster kills.

A player on the "Star Wars: Battlefront" forums recommended a TL-50 Heavy Repeater and Jump Pack Combo, which is overall fun to use especially during cargo matches. The TL-50 also has one of the highest fire rate in the game, and combining this with the cooling cell will boost its fire rate even higher.

K-16 Bryar Pistol

Description: A powerful blaster pistol with a secondary fire ability which allows the player to charge up a powerful shot.

How To Unlock: To unlock this new pistol, you need 10 Blaster pistol kills, 3 Blaster pistol streaks and 25 Han Solo kills.

The K-16 Bryar Pistol is the first pistol to have a secondary fire mode. Its charge shot is powerful enough to get one-hit kills.

New Star Cards

Laser Trip Mine

Description: This can be attached on any surface and will explode when an enemy passes by. It will also scramble the radar of any enemy that gets too close.

How To Unlock: The Laser Trip Mine Star Card requires 10 explosive kills and 20 kills while playing with the Scout trait.

Laser trip mines can jam enemy radars when activated. It can also be used to defend a doorway to your communications box in Cargo.

Medical Droid

Description: A stationary droid that is placed by the player. The droid will send out a "healing pulse" every 3 seconds and reduce the cooldown for the players star cards.

How To Unlock: To unlock this card you need to heal 10 teammates and get Trait Level 3 with survivalist. There is also an upgraded version which needs 20 teammates healed and a 100 objective score in Battle Station to unlock.

"Star Wars: Battlefront" Death Star DLC is now available for Season Pass holders. For those who don't have the season pass, the latest expansion will be available on Oct. 4.

Sources: Mobipicker |  Star Wars: Battlefront Forums | Star Wars: Battlefront Wiki

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